October 27, 2024

Due to health reasons, our Buffer Doubler is retiring from that position. Don Village K6PBQ has been an outstanding net control for our group for many years. His voice will be missed. With Don departure, a position is now open for his replacement. If you are interested we would like to hear from you.

Contact Dave WA6UHA youha@comcast.net or Kelly WB6AAJ wb6aaj626@gmail.com



Our group is made up of radio amateur operators who mix the hobby of electronic communication with our faith in God. There is a net that meets every Sunday morning at 7 on  the WA6TOW 146.925 -600 PL114.8 Coast Side Amateur Radio Club Repeater, located on Montara Peak in northern San Mateo County overlooking Pacifica, the Pacific Ocean, and the San Francisco Bay Area. Access may also be available via the WA6TOW UHF system on 441.075 +5mhz offset and a PL of 114.8 when the systems are linked.

The UHF repeater has been off the air for some time. Check the NET REPEATERS page for more details and updates in regards to this matter.

 We also have a backup repeater for our use if TOW is out of service due to a special event or technical issues at the time of our net. Details are also on the NET REPEATERS page.

Finally, for all stations participating in the net, if no activity is heard at the time of the Net on TOW, transmit through that system with your I.D. to determine if the system is working, If not, go to the alternate system and monitor for Knights Net activity.


Service from San Francisco's Saint Brendan's every Saturday at 5pm PDT.
On demand viewing following the live service.


As of March 2023, KN6OUJ Alex Custer will be added to the rotation of net control operators. N6GRF, Roger has been going through physical challenges particularly with his hearing which is a highly important sense in running an amateur radio net. Roger will continue to produce and read the lesson.


Please patronize our Coast Side repeater host by checking out their website and participate in their club meetings (every second Wednesday 7:30pm at the Linda Mar Fire Station). The Coast side net takes place on the WA6TOW repeater 8:00pm  - Wednesdays.

Also now on on this website, check out The OMELETTE HOUSE, VIDEOS, & now The 2023 CAMPOUT highlight movie available on the VIDEO page.



Compiled by Roger Gathers N6GRF

October 27, 2025
Meeting number 2



Visitor List
September 22, 2024

If you have any comments about this web site contact
Dave Billeci, e-mail at youha@comcast.net



The Net has four net control operators. Each rotates that responsibility on a monthly basis. Each has a unique title named after a radio-related electronic circuit.

Adolph Kelly

Co-founder &
Chaplin (1972-2011)


Roger Gathers

Master Oscillator
Net Bible Lession Presenter

Alex Custer

IF Amplifer
Net Control for 11/24 ______________

Don Village

Buffer Doubler
Net Control for 12/24

Dave Billeci

Net Control for 1/25

Kelly Tuttle

Product Detector
Net Closing Prayer
Net Control for 10/24