The idea for the Knights of the Megahertz grew out of a discussion between Roy Everhardt, WB6GWQ, now a silent key; Cecil Watts, W6DSK, also a silent key and Adolph Kelly, WA6CCG; at the Brass Rail Restaurant on Park St. in Alameda, CA in 1972. The Brass Rail was a favorite meeting spot for some of the members of the Grizzly Peak VHF AMATEUR RADIO CLUB which operated the WB6AAE two meter repeater in Oakland, CA. Cecil had been a member of a Florida radio club known as the Knights Of The Kilocycles, which operated on the 75 meter band, and he described their operation to Roy and Adolph. Roy suggested that the three of them and others who could be contacted meet at 7:00 A.M. on Sunday, 27 Feb 1972 on 146.22/146.82, the Grizzly Peak repeater, and that Adolph give a short bible lesson. They did meet and seven people checked in. They were WB6GWQ, Roy; WA6CCG, Adolph; WA6PRG, Rick; WA6DPJ, John; WA4NUL, Bob; WA6FFF, Don; W6GFR, Frank; and K6OPG, Kenny.

 A request was made to the Board of directors of GPARC by Roy for permission to operate the Knights of the Megahertz Net on the repeater frequency. The matter was taken up at the board and at the club meeting and approval was given. The name of the net was decided by the three founders. Roy, WB6GWQ became the first Master Oscillator, with WA6AXV, Dick , as the Buffer Doubler and Historian and Adolph as the Chaplain.

If you have any comments about this web site contact
Dave Billeci, e-mail at







The Net has four net control operators. Each rotates that responsibility on a monthly basis. Each has a unique title named after a radio-related electronic circuit.

Adolph Kelly

Co-founder &
Chaplin (1972-2011)

Roger Gathers

Master Oscillator
Net Bible Lession Presenter

Alex Custer

IF Amplifer
Net Control for 3/25

Don Village

Buffer Doubler
Net Control for 4/25

Dave Billeci

Net Control for 5/25

Kelly Tuttle

Product Detector
Net Closing Prayer
Net Control for 6/25